Membership Lunch

How do i join Chestnut Mountain Church?

Our Discover Your Home Membership Lunch is the first step in the process to join the church. Currently, we are taking registration for our next Membership Lunch. This is a great, no pressure time of learning the core beliefs of Chestnut Mountain and being encouraged in your walk with Jesus and living out your faith.

Our Membership Lunch is offered several times throughout the year. This is a great, no pressure time of learning the core beliefs of Chestnut Mountain and being encouraged in your walk with Jesus and living out your faith. Each lunch is designed to supply you with the tools to develop and grow as you journey through the process of becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ. During this time, you'll learn about who we are as a church including our mission, our values, our systems, and our strategies. Our next Membership Lunch will be on on Sunday, February 9, 2025 following our 10:45 service. Registration for this class is now open and you can sign up below. Lunch and childcare will be provided.

*Please submit a separate registration form below for every person in your family that will be attending the Membership Lunch.*