Serving others
Opening hearts
Accepting differences
Respecting ALL

Our mission for our SOAR Ministry at Chestnut Mountain Church is to provide individuals with special needs the support they need to "SOAR" at Chestnut Mountain Church and live a victorious life in Christ. We provide care and support to individuals of all ages through either our Self-Contained Room or our Buddy System. Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:45am. We ask that you please call ahead so we can make appropriate accommodations for your family. For more information, contact Ashlie Collins at 678-316-9103.

ReSPITE Program

Respites are designed to give parents/ guardians of individuals with special needs much needed breaks. It is also a great way for our loved ones to find community and relationships within a supportive environment. This is a free service available to all ages and their siblings. Lunch is provided. All respites are Saturdays 11am-2pm. To reserve, contact Ashlie Collins at 678-316-9103.



Our mission for our SOAR Parent Connect Group is to provide special needs families the tools they need to live a victorious life in Christ. Join us as we meet throughout the year for lunches and family events. For more information about our Parent Connect Group, contact Anna Carpenter at 678-617-7614.

STAY connected with us

Stay updated with what is going on in SOAR on Facebook and Instagram.
Join our Facebook Parent Connect Group

Volunteer with the soar ministry

Our SOAR Ministry is currently looking for volunteers at Chestnut Mountain Church. If you are interested in serving with SOAR, please contact Ashlie Collins at 678-316-9103.